What We Offer

Food & Beverage Manufacturing

We rank in the Top 2% of the US for manufacturing employment, and Food & Beverage Manufacturing represents an opportunity to leverage our region’s manufacturing strengths and logistical benefits combined with favorable costs, supportive Indiana State Department of Agriculture, and more, to grow this critically important industry in our community.

By the Numbers

Million Acres

Total Farmed in Indiana

US Population
0 %

Within 11 Hours
(One Day Truck Drive)

50000 +

Employed Regionally in Relevant Food & Beverage Operations

Million Pounds

Daily Net Surplus of Milk in Indiana

Billion Eggs

Produced Annually in Indiana

Billion Sales
$ 0

Corn Production Annual Volume (Indiana’s #1 Commodity)

Why Columbus, Indiana Should
Be Your New Home

Employer Insight

Hear from Zach Pavlik, Plant Manager for Ninth Avenue Foods, talk about the 2023 opening of the company’s new $103 Million dairy and alternative-dairy beverage production facility, including local & state government support, and his experience with relocating to the greater Columbus, Indiana area. 

Supply & Customer Reach

Enjoy a close supply of dairy, poultry, corn, soybeans, and pork (Indiana’s Top 5 Commodities), and then reach nearly 2/3 of U.S. customers within an 11-hour, 1-day truck transit radius with your finished goods. 

Location & Logistics
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Workforce & Wages
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Photo by Mike Wolanin | The Republic

Specialized Workforce

Tap a production workforce that ranks in the Top 2% of the country with regional skills that Food & Beverage Manufacturers need, including: Applied Science Techs (5,811); Machinists (15,973); Production Operators (17,987); Engineers & Related (19,952); General Production Workers (23,150), and thousands more! 

You're In Good Company Here

Ninth Avenue Foods

Ninth Avenue Foods, a California-based, family-owned dairy and alternative dairy beverage company, selected Columbus, Indiana for its new $103 Million production facility, opened in 2023. From its new Midwest home in Columbus, products now reach Eastern & Midwest U.S. customers faster, extending shelf life and reducing transportation costs. 

Peer Foods

Peer Foods Group produces, distributes, and sells high-quality meat products for their co-manufacturing partners, food service and retail customers. Headquartered in Chicago, Peer Foods is now proudly operating from its recently expanded Edinburgh, IN operations and from its subsidiary, Mariah Foods, facility in Columbus.  

Tipton Mills Foods

Experts in the powder food and beverage industry, Tipton Mills Foods has been headquartered in Columbus since 2015. They proudly provide national and private brands with complete services from concept to completion.


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